Common sense grenade throwing reform

These are soldiers from each faction throwing a grenade. Every one of them pulls their grenade’s pin and rears back to throw. Everyone has their unused hand in the aiming position. Let’s see how authentic it is to what was given out for throwing grenades.

US Army 1942 FM 23-30





Wow, it looks like the US Army instructs its soldiers to aim with their free arms to make a straight line toward their target instead of relying on a thumb. Let’s see if the US Army has stopped instructing this method.

Well, shucks, maybe this is an extremely effective way to aim your grenade. Let’s change that hand in Enlisted into a straight hand so everyone has an easier time aiming their grenade throw.

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Personally, I like the way it is now.

Its easy to comprehend without going overboard and giving you an arc projection and the works.

It may not be perfectly historically accurate, but as we have seen, many things in this game are not.

As far as effect in the game, it seems to work just fine.

The only change that I could perhaps see being made, is if you wanted to implement an underhand/ corner throw. Which there are some instances where this could be extremely handy.

Please get this in game, dam even CS:GO has this.

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You realize having a straight arm gives you a better arc projection, correct?

Why not.
But that’s just for US, what did other nation use?

Devs need to put resources somewhere else. We really do not need complex animations for grenade throwing.

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I don’t see how a straight arm instead of a bent one is a “complex animation” but otherweise I agree.



Japanese (based and baseball pilled):



Russians did not take pictures when throwing grenades, it seems…

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In Enlisted we had:

M. Fantastic,
Frog Man,

And now we have, Super man!


The thumb seems like a nice design compromise.
Its basically like a front post of the ironsights, but for grenade throwing.
Full hand is more confusing as to where the “crosshair” actually is

The hand is a straight line of where the grenade is going; how do you find that confusing?

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Right now the thumb is the “crosshair”. Its pretty unambiguous as to where it is.
Whole hand is significantly larger. Where exactly is the actual aim point? Middle of the hand? Tip of a finger? Which finger? Index? Middle?

Have you ever thrown a ball?

The hand. Do you understand that a grenade is the size of a hand?

It shows the arc of your throw, unlike a thumb.

Thats not how it works in the game lol, grenade aiming in enlisted basically works like half life 2 mods do it
You can mentally replace the thumb with a crosshair and that’s where the grenade goes (basically initial velocity of the grenade goes straight from the camera towards the “crosshair”) and its precise up close and at range you just adjust the arc by looking up

It might be a bit goofy but it’s pretty intuitive and precise

Imo they use the thumb simply because it’s basically crosshair sized and the tip can be unambiguous: ”the boomboom goes where big fingy is"

yes, yes it is