Commander Cupola Vision Slits Change

Personally I do not like the cupola viewing feature as it is so slow. For axis tanks, you do not even get to use each and every vision slit on the cupola as the commander, for example, in the Tiger II (H) you cannot look directly back through the hatch viewports since it skips a port but on the Panther this aint the case. I think making it free look 360 as the commander thru each of those ports would be such a great improvement to see enemy infantry nearby. For the Allies the viewing port is different and they have a full scope looking feature but at the same time you cannot look directly back…I believe that the commanders were able to look 360 around the entire tank when looking through the cupola vision slits. Would be a huge change for armor.


Yes of course ! Me i have a bug with the Tank Pz.II C. I have the exterior hatch which is on the right, I have absolutely no visual. Enemies on the ground to my right are killing me because I can’t shoot :face_vomiting:

It is absolutely necessary to develop vehicle access and exits, because it is a disaster. Waiting for the circle to end is downright boring. I’m getting killed because I’m waiting for the circle. The character must get into the vehicle, open the doors, get in. do not wait :roll_eyes: :grin:

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seems that cupola viewing is a placeholder for now. hopefully they don’t leave it like that. commander viewports need a rework in general. in my opinion:

  • looking around needs to be more fluid and quick in cupola
  • more types of cupola instead of just 1
  • for tanks with periscope, looking around needs to be faster - it’s just a light manual rotation piece, not some hydraulic heavy machinery.

Yes of course :yum:

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