Comic 005 - Good Tankers Hide (Gray Zone)

Imagine a world where you only get 12 kills an entire game in a weak tank and then go onto the forums to complain.
Oh wait… I do not have to… I read many deleted posts from at least the Reddit side about this issue they experience.

Read between the lines.


Ahi… you killed keofox tanks are go to be nerfed


Nah, that’s just a shoddy edit. But I still find it funny to run across posts of people who 100+ kills and 0 deaths in a tank and still lose a game. ))))))))))


where funny drawn man :rage:

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The developers stole them away for me in this one and hid them in T-28. Please forgive. ((((


why would i hide in the back, got to give the enemy a fair shot at killing me

a true chad tanker spotted. ))))))))

I just can’t hide in the back: I favor either light tanks or derp anti infantry tanks. If they’re too far they lose BOTH their already poor anti tank capability AND reduce their anti infantry support capability… But what’s worst of the worst: it reduces my fun factor.

I mean it’s no big deal if I explode, I can spawn another tank after a really short while :thinking:

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it is also very unsportsmanlike to hide in the in the gray zone

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Tanks are to be protected by infantry, or fire from a safe distance!


I always move on the battlefield with my tank and I do better when I move. I absolutely do not like sitting in the grey zon, just to get some kills. I need them all in front of me, ALL! :cowboy_hat_face:

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“Good tankers hide” good shit I’m a bad tank commander

I got to the battle, death packs flying around, and put myself into danger just because grey zone camping gets boring, in a sense for me tank gameplay is boring, i can’t get a raging boner if there’s not a constant threat of det packs and AT launchers trying to get me and if they get me, there’s a chance one of my guys will survive and i can become a impromptu a assaulter guy and the game play gets extended


Not in enlisted.
Here support infantry is just a nice bonus for the guy with an explosion pack.

Man, I love to play as tank support but in this game it’s next to impossible.
Stalnigrad was quite good as you had to place TNT on the tank (so there was a chance to react) but now it’s EPs spam like everywhere else.

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I usually enjoy playing offense specifically for this reason. A good armor player can make a huge difference if done properly and in conjunction with the Infantry.
With that being said though I believe that close relationship between armor and Infantry is one of the leading causes to ‘Grey Zone Camping’ I’ve done it, sometimes you just get those teams that make it their mission to stay as far away from you and the objective as possible. It’s one of those circumstances when you know it’s a loss and all you can do is just perform well.
Don’t get me wrong it sucks I get really frustrated when that happens but there’s not much to be done about it I believe