Combat Notes: Perks

To get the most out of your army, you should consider upgrading each of your soldiers properly! In this guide, we’ll cover not only the basics, but also delve into the unique perks of different classes.

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When will the minor update release?

Also excellent guide on perks!


I look at my profile from last video.

Then I look at this video at 0:18 seconds.

And I start thinking there’s a theme, here :stuck_out_tongue:


imo these videos would be much more helpful for new players if they were in-game and not just on Youtube, most new players streaming on Twitch feel very overwhelmed with all the game mechanics (Squad AI, vehicles, different classes, perks, upgrading, etc) being thrown in their face when they start, with no tutorial that goes over them


maybe… с:


Sometimes, when using a full payload squad with less than the full payload, there are members available, so it is desirable to add a 5-person, 3-person, 2-person payload to the same squad to control 5-person payload, 3-person payload, and 2-person payload. Thank you! :face_with_monocle:

Nice video. Now that you mention it, i think the aircraft aiming recticle appears at a crazy distance :thinking: (1000-1500m)

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Hey James, when we are going to get next big event?soon™ or very soon™?


Quite soon™. :slight_smile:


Mhhhm, that doesn’t sound very confident. :thinking::face_with_monocle:

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We need an auxiliary sight for a fighter to attack the ground especially a vehicle

Soviet engineers were still able to build German anti-tank guns. not 57mm ZIS-2 anti-tank guns or M-42 anti-tank guns. This is hilarious :saluting_face:


Is there any chance that these guides will be accessible in the game eventually? I recently tried to introduce a friend to the game and they got overwhelmed by the UI. These could be a great resource to people new to the game.

Sidenote, when is the mp18 getting moved down to br1? I want to use it when playing with friends who are new lol.


They definitely need a tab with “Tutorials/Hints” that has these videos embedded within them.


oh so that what the star are ok

Well made!

Please, put all of them in the game now.



Could it be this Friday? Interesting. You guys seem to announce a lot of your events on the weekend.

Make sense isn’t it? It when most people are free

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Yeah. There’s a pattern to it if you look at most of their past events. We really need something exciting with no new ‘toys’ in this latest update.

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