Combat notes: Bombing

Nothing beats the feeling of diving, drop the bombs, miss the pull up zone, suicide and do 0 kills for a 30 second penalty wait time.

10/10 bomber skills.would spawn a plane again.


Very good info.

I still think these clips and those other comics need to have a place WITHIN the game that players can find them easily. Not just as something outside the game to go look up.


Yeah I too do agree with that. I did also suggest the same in first tut video post here.

Maybe one day

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I will do the same

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Correct me if I am wrong here @ChuchaDrucha ,

The angle at which the bomb hits changes the fragmentation pattern doesn’t it? The more that the nose of the bomb is pointing down (90 degree hit angle), rather than to the side (45 degree hit angle) the more reliable and wider the fragmentation blast is.

Therefore slowing down also gives them a bit more chance to slow down and angle down before impact (unless dive bombing), giving you a wider effective blast radius.

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It would be good to replace the current “additional information” tabs too that are found on some of the squads.

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Most of fragmentation will go up in comparison to horizontal fragmentation.
The angle ofc dictates the fragmentation
The drop distance will dictate if the bomb pens terrain and then expload or, expload on contact.
The inclination the bomb drops also can make them bounce armor.

Tldr a bomb dropped higher will have more chance of horizontal fragmentation
A bomb dropped lower will have a higher chance of hitting a target.

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CC Keofox is not real. he can’t hurt you.

CC Keofox:

CC = Content creator



good, but these tips don’t work with “heavy” bombers.
an exclusive guide for these types of planes would be nice.

Only bombs I want dropped in the news category is more info-bombs about the new major update


What is your definition of heavy bombers? I may be able to assist you if you can’t find what you are looking for otherwise.

I think he means stuff like the a20g and ju 188

every plane that is big and the focus is to drop bombs on the battlefield. like the Ju

Most of these tips do work on the heavier bombers just by altering your speed. Rather than keeping it at 40 on engine power, drop down to 0-20 engine power.

Even beyond that, something that works really well for me especially in the JU 188, completely turn off your engine at around 2100m out. Fly low and glide over your targets. They don’t hear you coming in, rarely have time to react, the bombs are really easy to target like this, and fighters have a very hard time keeping track of you. If you are flying really low like I do, you don’t even need to worry about AA, as it can’t angle low enough to hit you, even if it does somehow see you coming.