Combat notes: Artillery Strike

The countdown to damage ratio on the bombing run, IMO, makes it worthless to send out. Also, some of the newer or sleepier users of the bombing run misinterpret where the battle is going and bomb empty spaces. I feel the bomber should be reset to its original, pre-nerf bombing stats.

Iā€™ve suggested some ideas for more Radio Operator Call-Ins so thereā€™s more variety


Maybe a radioman in a normal squad can only call ā€œsmallā€ artillery and only the radiomen squad can call 120mm Haubitze artillery strike.
There should be also different variants of the artillery strike, not allways the same sounds and patterns.


Can we get better voices for the artillery call in?
Maybe for the Pacific Allies, asking for artillery from a ship offshore.


Preparing players for the next weekly I see.

How about on certain Eastern front maps the radio squad on the allied team calls in rocket artillery? And on Normady maps the Allies get much larger rounds like 12 and 14 inch shells from off shore ship naval bombardment and it covers a wider area. But on some Normandy German missions they get rail gun arty shells, again bigger bomb, and some terrain deformation.
Just add some more variety to the game. Maybe even a mode someday where paratroopers or planes can suppress the guns physically in a rear sector of the map.


LOL. ā€œPlease Like, Share and Subscribe and Hit the Notification Bellā€

This is pretty high up on my wish list. Shame they nerfed it so badly itā€™s almost not worth using anymore.
Maybe create a topic with this matter? Higher chance it will end to something I guess.


Iā€™m not sureā€¦ most suggestions threads are so cluttered and oftentimes biased that I understand if devs/helpers donā€™t take all of them seriously (I wouldnā€™t).

Those official threads however, are very surveyed by devs and helpers, and itā€™s directly on them that things change if the community disagrees (example planes nerf).

Itā€™s why I quickly took the opportunity to write it hereā€¦ Because itā€™s not the first time I suggested itā€¦ must be like the tenth time :thinking:

In short: #makestereoguysgreatagain!



Those thing are too powerful for this game, the explosion will make this game become unplayable. Moreover, it canā€™t be stop unlike bombers.

In an ideal world. Where one fool does not decide to spoil the game for all allies. :frowning:


In general, I see an active discussion and perhaps I agree. I donā€™t see smoke artillery in battles at all and thatā€™s sad. It is amazing both in terms of the visual part and just for the battle tactics.

We will offer to split the timers or do something else.


Thatā€™s true. Artillery Smoke Rise is rarely used and is very useful, but artillery could have more of an impact on allies.
Balance problems?

  • Enemies run into the point especially when itā€™s in the open in a rain of friendly fire with no consequences.
  • In an invasion, the points should be closed for a minute, in campaigns with airborne troops, there are situations where players wait for a point to be captured and spawn by airborne, immediately capturing the next point without giving the defender a chance to defend.
  • Airborne aircraft should also fly 1 min above the battlefield and should have a marker so that they can be intercepted.
  • Defenders on point should have a significant build speed bonus.
  • The engineering squad, apart from the possibility of speed and a large amount of construction, has nothing that would make players play these teams.

I miss the mechanics who were in CBTā€¦

The annoying thing is that bullets from firearms pass through enemies without damage, I also experience that enemies shoot at me and I donā€™t lose hp. TTK with smg and pistols is too long. Especially pistols need a damage boost. Planes are too tough. The plane after being hit by a 37mm bullet from a bf110 should disintegrate, not fly on. This is also how I feel when I fly, that my plane is a flying tank.

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You need to reward XP, in a good way to make people more incentivised to use it. Make the screen a bit deeper as well, and seperate the cooldown.

I use it all the time. It can make or break a push and also stop a grey zoning tank from butchering your push.

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If Smoke has its own cooldown, I wouldnā€™t even care if there were no points for using it. It sort of creates its own reward. I used it all the time before nerf to help push team mates and bots closer to the point where they could be effective.

It truly was an underrated gem. I havenā€™t used it in about 6 months though, As I am a completionist , I donā€™t carry them currently (unless they need leveling). Mostly running with virgin or half built squads to max them out (and once they are done, I move on to the next one)

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That is a joy to read. I used to bring radiomen squad solely for that feature. I had to stop bringing them because once every 3 minutes just felt too long, when I could use other more valuable squads insteadā€¦ Which is sad because I loved calling smoke to support my team, EVEN if I had no xp for it. Victory was plenty enough.


Happy to see you enjoy the Videos!


Glad to hear it. I think the main problem is thereā€™s no need to use it when you can call in bomber strikes instead.

Unfortunately people are generally more concerned about getting kills than supporting their team, but you canā€™t control their actions

me when the

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Informative video, but I have a lot of issues with how Radio operators work currently as is.

  • They donā€™t have to have line of sight to the area they are trying to hit, in fact they donā€™t even have to be outside like the mortar squads, leading to many instances where they just sit in the greyzone or a bunker in complete safety and continue to rain artillery strikes every 2 minutes, without any way to counter them.

  • With the exception of the bomber raids, there is no location from which the ordinance is fired. It would be an excellent addition if there were artillery sites that could be targeted by player-flown aircraft to at least reduce the effectiveness or disable the enemy artillery strikes.

  • We all know how annoying it is to have tanks sitting in the greyzone and not pushing up, but with artillery being so effective and spammable, they donā€™t have any reason to push forward and help break through defenses.

  • Speaking of defenses, its incredibly rare to see strong defenses set up anyways, most being whatever the enemy engineers could put up in a very short window of time. Artillery strikes absolutely decimate any and all structures every time. Even when things are built inside they are getting destroyed by artillery strikes. Either reducing artillery effectiveness to fortifications or buffing the fortifications durability overall would really help this issue, and would possibly even give tanks more reason to push forward.

  • Following up with the previous point,

Smoke barrages would be more useful if fortifications didnā€™t get absolutely obliterated by the spam of standard artillery. It would become a lot more necessary in order to make effective flanks to circumvent ā€œno manā€™s landsā€ created by heavy fortification. Because as it stands currently, those areas are extremely rare to find in the first place due to lack of time to set up, but also are destroyed the instant that artillery strikes are called, not just opening up the front, but also suppressing defenders from being able to get on or stay on the objective because there simply IS NO DEFENCE against artillery.