C'Mon DEV's

C’mon DEV’s, have just a little bit of common sense. I mean, this makes me laugh. I know your world revolves solely around profit, but in what world should you ever have a level 2-5 match possibility? Yes, I know I have a couple level 2 squads because I don’t have enough level 3 squads ready. Why you ask? Because you have totally made level 3-4 IRRELEVENT! No one is going to use level 3 weapons in a level 5 match, unless they don’t have level 5 weapons! So, you have totally screwed all the people who liked the middle levels. I would LOVE to play with a level 3 squad against level 3 and or level 4 opposition, but "You’re ruining the middle levels with your f**ked up match making.

You teased us a couple months back when you told us you were experimenting with the match making, and I admit, it is better. But C’mon, give us back our mid level matches for crying out loud as NOT everyone wants to fight level 1-3 and level 5 all the time. What is you point of offering level 3 and 4 premium squads, when they are obsolete against level 5 weapons? Someone with just a tad bit of common sense would realize your killing your own game.

When you people do something good, I am the first to praise you, but when you screw the pooch, I am going to keep calling you out. I’m old, tired and getting senile, so give us back our mid level games again! Level 3-4…NOT level 3-5, 2-5, it’s not that hard for someone with an ounce common sense to figure out.


Nobody is playing Japan at BR3 that’s why game forces you to play vs BR5. And a lot of BR3 Ger matches are taken over by the BR3 Soviets so there are not enough of already underpopulated and underpowered Germans to play vs you. It’s fault of the DF they gave away new toys to the all nations except Germany.

Better stick to BR2, and it’s not like your BARs can’t keep up with high BR they are pretty much a BR5 weapons but at BR3 just with less controllable recoil. I just wish we could have 4th MGunner in MG squad.


It mean you are going play against BR2 people in a BR2-BR3 queue and aganaist BR4 and 5 people in another queue, no one is putting BR2 aganaist BR5

Nvm, he’s br3.

I still need coffee


I actually still use my BAR 1918A2 sometimes in BR5, only because I like them and I sure as hell cannot use them anywhere else. I used to have 3 complete units ready to play without having to do anything. I had maxed out units for level 1-2, 3-4 and level 5. I have hacked up my level 3 squads since there is no reason to use them anymore. So, I am forced to strictly play with my all level 1 squads to play 1-2, my maxed out all level 2 squad to play 1-3, and am forced to just bypass level 3-4 because I was always forced into level 5 with my level 3…So, I sold off a lot of my level 3 weapons to help load up on T20’s. This is why I cannot field a complete level 3 squad now.

I don’t understand the DEV’s can’t seem to understand they are killing the very game they say they are trying to grow. But, it’s there game. I won’t even consider buying a premium squad that is either not level 1-2 or level 5, I mean, what is the point? So if others think the way I do, then the DEV’s are losing money.

It’s a soft rule (so not guaranteed) and the BR display isn’t completely accurate, since you can fight BR 5 even when it shows BR II-IV
So you can still get into BR III-IV games regardless of what it shows


Soft rule or not, there is zero reason to list BR5 if your trying to play BR3, that level has become useless.

YARN | I think it sucks. | Stripes (1981) | Video gifs by quotes | 03c387c9 | 紗


I’m still dreaming about BR1-2, BR2-3, BR3-4, BR5-5 as a new upgraded matchmaking.
There are no point in torturing BR3 to fight vs BR5, BR4 vs BR5 or BR1 vs BR3. They should still have option to do so but only if they desire but not to be forced.
BR4 matches in a current BR doesn’t exist over 10 matches and i was always uptiered and destroyed by the fully stacked BR5 teams, not a single BR3 downtier, zero BR4 matches only BR5 stomps all day long.



I don’t see any issues here, it just proves one point. All SF Rifles needs nerf. That’s all.

I just want ±1 MM.


I would be ok with 4 - 5, but I don’t think there is any reason to have 3 in a 5 match, just like I don’t think 1 should be in a 3 match. Maybe 1 alone, 2-3 and 4-5. One alone would make sense since there would be a lot of beginners there and would not be out matched weapon wise. Of course, that does not mean Vets will not play there, but at least the weapons would be on the same level.

Hi! No one here, yeah BR III is the most Enlisted that Enlisted has to offer right now. Thanks

The beauty of III is randomly fighting Low Tier or High Tier in any given match. Don’t like it? Don’t play it. Play II. Or I. Or V. Leave III alone though. BR III is the last vestige of Enlisted I have left

Lol. Lmao even. Victim mentality going HARD on the German side I see

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1-2, 3-4, 5 never existed. It’s always been I-III and III-V

Calm down. It is 1, SINGULAR BR in a system of 5 BR’s. You have the other 4 to play with. It ain’t the end of the world

I don’t play it, but would like to. When I did, I NEVER got stuck with the lower tiers, never as I was always uptier’d. Maybe it was the luck of the draw IDK, so I only play 1-3 or 5. :wink:

As with all things MM, it varies with the playerbase horde migration. For a long time, there were few V Allies, oh so many V Japs, and a fair number of V Gerkans, but also a solid V Russian playerbase. So III Allies got overwhelmingly stuck with V Japs and occasionally a V German or III German. Now I’d imagine it’s the inverse

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