Clothes close to the truth

We need the costumes to be more correct,the current costumes are not close to the truth


What sort of inaccuracies are there? I know the Japanese uniform colors are slightly off, but I’m not that knowledgeable about ww2 uniforms otherwise.

the german collar tabs are inaccurate and the volksturm soldiers wear uniforms even if they had a lot of civilian clothes irl. Many of the US soldier uniforms are bright tan even if they were darker


to set the record straight without taking things out of context,

the germans collar tabs are mostly right outside the few knochensack ( para jump suit ) that for some reason, uses HEER tabs ( despite in the files having others versions with flieger ranks with the yellow stripes ).

pea dot camo has HEER ranks despite being for the SS ( but, i doubt ““we’ll”” get ss for obvious reasons )

All german trenchcoat are using volkssturm collar tabs for some reason.

and, the volkssturm uniforms them selves, are historical accurate.
so, it’s not technically true to say that they only used civis.

because they had uniforms:


( as the volkssturm were an actual battalions, not just some " hey, let’s everyone get in " divided in various echelons. 1st, trained soldiers and veterans, 2nd, mid equipped soldiers with mixed experience and 3rd fullly inexperienced and illequipped )

and in enlisted, i believe they wanted to follow color pattern and uniforms type in order to always recognize the enemy. otherwise you’d end up not knowing who is who.

the only exception, were moroc units. but, you can somewhat tell on which side, and it’s hard to not notice them on the field unlike some dark color / gray uniforms in berlin.

this one, so true.


Also the premium stg 45 mauser has fantasy camo pattern

well, it’s more inspired to it but yeah, could be counted if we want everything 100% accurate.

even though, i believe we will have to fix it through mods.

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Isn’t their camo supposed to be Alpenflage?


why would german use post war swiss camouflage?

it’s supposed to be Leibermuster

Sure the cosmetics could use a few tweaks but let’s not act like they are bad in anyway


they get the job done but they could be improved a lot

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Isn’t Alpenflage the same thing as Leibermuster? Just a different name?

not at all


it’s inspired to, and one might get confused due to being actually very similar.

but even in the editor it’s considered leibermuster…

for me, the big problem is around tunisia: soldiers can’t equip desert stuff, italians don’t have uniforms for other theaters.

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