Climbing down walls, hanging onto ledges,

As many of you know, the only way to get off of a ledge in Enlisted at the moment is to either jump off and risk fall damage/death, or work your way through a maze of doors and staircases to find the exit.

What I suggest is that, on simple, scalable walls, troops should be able to climb down (maybe when near a ledge there would be a prompt to press [key] to hang off of the ledge). From here, we can climb up, down, and maybe even sideways, however, this will drain stamina. obviously, if a ledge is too complex or too far up from the current ledge your character is on, then you cannot climb it.
American soldiers scaling terrain
Sure, it’s hard, but it was possible.
This could help the use of sandbags as well, to reach higher ledges, like the windows on B point in Normandy’s Chateu.
Engineers could also possibly be equipped with a ladder as well?
But yeah, it would be nice (see wall with climbable ledges, hit space, hold space to go upward, A/D to go sideways, and S to go downwards, all of these actions using up a Soldier’s stamina, maybe at 1.5x or 2x the sprint drain rate?)
What do you guys think? it would make travelling and positioning in the game possibly more versatile.

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Climbing would probably lead to a lot of OOB issues
I do agree with engineers building ladders idea( with proper restrictions)