Classic Command Wheel back, Movement Stance, and multiply stances Shortcut

Lets be objective. whit more images.

has you can see i trying to ‘‘Cover’’ my troops using my gunner and a MG34, Ahhn okay, then my troops are going crawling, instead of running. that not gone end good.

personal i prefer the old School Command wheel, but. maybe people using Controller and Consoles might see the current system good, just give the community the option to use older system back.

then you select in old school.

This command wheel, may not help console players, but have A lot more positional has the game Refine it self in the hardcoded arsenal of tactics. for that we need a new stance in the game.

i not asking to get away the player behavior has example, but make it one of the 3 options of movement stance, since sometimes i don’t want they to behavior like me self but the way i need they charging when i cover they.

to make life easier, we need hotkeys, pressing 9, that’s right we use a layout A for multiply stances, selecting many stance in only few seconds.

has you configure those settings in Control menu, so in the heat you don’t need to do so.

has a Easter egg, the medical stance can be also a new stance, allowing the player to choose if they medics will heal all team, only the squad, or no one giving they more efficiency in using its SMG,s has they become only assaulters in this stance.

In the end, those suggestions has been already suggested, but its important to keep discussing protentional topics. and more important refining then.


I would just be happy if when I travel the battlefield and find the PERFECT spot to go prone, mount my weapon, take aim at scores of enemies that one of my squad doesn’t slow crawl directly in front of me and get me killed. Or if I’m setting up a key rally point and my squad just plants themselves directly on top of it so I cannot complete the build.

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The PERFECT spot in prone is just one exemple to give a context.

Thanks for reading anyway.

I’m on console and we have lost a lot of commands with the new command wheel, no cover me, yes, no, attack / defend point ABC… so they either fix the new or rollback to new imho


I honestly really dislike the new command UI they put out. They took out options we had before and the new way of changing behaviors and formations feels clunky. I definitely prefer the old way