CLANS----whats your opinion

After having read a plethora of posts regarding the possible implementation of a clan system and it’s something we players seem to be quite divided on so I thought it would be a great idea to reopen the discussion and see what we can come up with. I personally believe that adding a clan system to Enlisted would be a great way to greatly increase the player base. 1. Do you support the implementation of a clan system and if so what do you think the benefits are? 2. Do you see any downsides to implementing a clan system and if so what exactly makes it so negative/why? 3. What functions should the clan system contain? or in other words what particular features/functions should be included in the clan system to make it something very familiar but at the same time new


I hope they’re going to introduce some seperate game mode for clans and then reduce stacks to only 2/3 people. 4 stacks are incredibly toxic in 10v10 match.


No downside as long matchmaking make clans and player stack playing against each other and letting random player, play aganaist random or filling empty spot in clan/stack matches, but never random team against clans/stack team


Enlisted is a very casual game thus most players are completely incapable of competing with organised tryhards.
I wouldn’t allow more than two people to join normal matches, two veterans are already an overkill.
If someone wants to play clans, they should do so in customs or against others clans in their own game mode.


I don’t really care about clan tags, but I’m gonna go offtopic a bit

If I see anyone with a “clan tag” like EVA (no hate to you guys) in game i get annoyed. Not enough where I desert like a loser, but I just get annoyed because I play BR3 and they always play BR5 so I know I’m getting uptiered by 2 tiers.

Also their playstyles are annoying, I always see them with 0 engineer points, type ho-ri spam, japanese paratrooper spam, etc. They’re kinda easy to kill though, as long as you’re facing them in infantry form.

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I’m kinda up for it. But I agree with Gasta, it probably should be a separate playstyle. Putting clans against standard randoms will only hurt the main playerbase.

If there are no CLANS, the game will die.

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Play with 3 other friends and you’ve solved the problem

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If the clan is created and I see a clan members in one game I wouldn’t bother playing the game and just leave to not be against stack of player. That would affect negatively player who are solo queing


The clan system would be a great idea if it were the same as warthunder. The game is made to play in a group and especially if there are prizes that can be earned by being inside a clan

Contrary to war thunder, it not one time you die and what you use is out so this feature is not adapt for this kind of game

I mean the clan system, then obviously an adaptation will have to be made for enlisted as they are two different games. But at least you have a base to work from instead of inventing one from scratch

Ah, the classic response from someone who is insecure to lose a method of farming easy wins. You should still be able to play with your friends against other clans. But farming solo players… Nah, that’s not the proper way.

Btw. I do play both solo and in stacks. :man_shrugging: Yet I still think 4 men in stack is extremely unhealthy for the game as whole.


I could say the classic response of someone who has no friends to play with and complains about those who are part of the community. Who have fun in groups without harming anyone and you lose/win in the same way.

Yeah xD I literally proposed solution trough which you could still be playing in groups.
So your argument literally makes no sense.

At least we can see what’s your true intention, hypocrite.

It’s a solution for a few people and not for many who have groups to play with. So it’s your profit. The intent should be to attract more people to the community and to grow the game and not to break it up

Based on the “facts” you just made up.

BTW. I could use the exact same argument. That most people would not be affected by this change. Because a higher number of players only play solo or in groups of 2 or 3 people, rather than in 4 stacks.


This is even more hilarious argument. Accusing me of breaking up community. When I just proposed game mode for clans (heavily relying on communities) and reducing toxic 4 stacks which do have negative impact on all solo players and on players in smaller groups.

Well, in the end your opinion is worth zero like many others, not being a game manager. I give my opinion on whether it’s okay to keep a group of 4 people like in many games similar to Enlisted. However, the clan theme, if done well, would make the people who play grow.

Another classic argumentative foul. At least learn to debate politely.
If the opinion of individual players had no value, we wouldn’t need a forum. I guess you’d like that.
So in contrast, you’re the community breaker. Since you can’t respect someone in your community who has a different opinion. And prefer to say how his opinion has zero value. Just because it differs from yours.

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I think for you as well as for me - there is nothing new in fighting solo against 2-3 people in a team. And we do it successfully, though not always, if allied players don’t have low iq.