City of Stalingrad appreciation post

While the Stalingrad Full Access pack is a controversial topic right now, the city (map ) itself doesn’t cease to amaze me.

I’ve recently been lucky enough to visit Volgograd and I have to say it is surreal to be walking around and in the buildings where you fight in the game.

Repnikova House (now museum) stands exactly as we see it in the game

How many times have you run through this side entrance from Gogol Street?

By the way in the game this building even has an address plate – Gogol St., 10.

(also a nitpick here – the devs seem to have used the post-war Stalin statue at first)
but before the war the statue was different (not that it matters, it’s destroyed now in the game anyway :smiley: )

The lions at the Gorky Theater are also present (even if in a renovated form and at the side entrance)

Iron Felix momument is still there as well near the Volgograd Tractor Plant

The ampulomet is also displayed in the Stalingrad Battle Museum

@SnowieW send level designers my regards :wink: and hopes to see Red Army house (left) and Grand Stalingrad Hotel (right) at the Fallen Fighters Square