Churchill tank in tech tree

This most likely has been suggested before but perhaps the allied could get the Churchill.
imageMaybe at br4 we could see the Churchill crocodile?
It just feels wrong that such a iconic tank should be locked behind a paywall.


giphy (6)
Yeah That never gets old here.


What is iconic about Churchill tank?

Aside from the Matilda and the turtle it’s one of the UK’s only heavy tanks. Not to mention the vast amount of variants of it built. It also is quite recognisable in any historical pictures.


I think the only iconic British tank is mark IV. All others are overshadowed by tanks of other nations.

But that’s just my perspective, it could be wrong.


Maybe I’m a little bias as I’m from the uk

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Britain should not keep being treated as a second class nation. They literally put the event Whirlwind in an AMERICAN squad

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It’s iconic as it’s the first tanks that faced and defeated the first Tiger version, in Tunisia.

They never penetrated the Tigers, mind you. But the rof of Churchill was quite something, and there was more than one.

When they met the Tiger they went into “ORA ORA ORA” mode

And sent soooo many shells in a concentrated fire on the Tigers, that the crews bailed. Tigers were not penned… but so badly dinged, it worked :sweat_smile:


Churchill is the most iconic british tank atleast for me due to it being really recognizable. and i think maybe churchill 7 could work for tech tree


DF while designing Firefly, Matilia, Churchill and KV-2 $40 premiums:

aris laugh


IS-1 crew would survive countless concussions since Stalin enhanced brains of his soldiers with Stalinium injections while punny German’s gelatin brains couldn’t survive more than two shots against the hull of their tanks.


I can understand that it is not the most powerful, and it will have a weird place in the tech tree, but at least add a tech tree firefly

but they already did :joy: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

I mean tech tree one

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I feel like the most iconic thing about Churchills was that after they landed in Normandy, many got effortlessly devastated by a group of Jagdpanthers.

The only successful British tanks were the Sherman Firefly and the Matilda, Cromwell and Comet only became a thing when the war was pretty much over.

I bet firefly VC is going to be tech tree, same goes for KV-2 (1939)


StuG III G is premium too.
Armoured APCs people want to see like the Sd.Kfz 251 and M3 half-track are premium.
SU-76 is premium.
Chi-Ha is premium.

DF loves pay walling famous vehicles because they know that their fans are willing to pay.


Hopefully we will also get other variants of Churchill (AVRE and Crocodile included). Churchill VII//IX/X/NA 75 with 75mm cannon should be f2p that’s for sure

There is also Churchill Kangaroo that served as APC (probably the slowest APC we could get in the game). Basic bitch Matilda should be f2p but Hedgehog version should be a premium.

The Tiger 131 in Tunisia wasn’t abandoned because of scared newbie crew. One AP round from a Churchill hit the base of the Tiger’s gun, and bounced into the turret seat ring, preventing the turret from turning anymore. The crew was forced to abandon the tank, since they can’t fix it with Enlisted magic kit box.


Don’t forget about Jagdpanther. And you are right i got that tank during sale.

It’s way weaker right now when it was released it shouldn’t be at BR5 that’s for sure.

It’s a huge dick move to create premium M3 for Soviets but not one free for the Americans.