As well known, Japanese used lots of Chinese weapons. How do you think about them in game?
Unfortunately it is difficult to add Chinese function, but their weapons are very attractive so it will be good addition for game!
Light Machine Gun
Czech-Type Machine Gun (ZB vz. 26)
It is very popular Chinese weapon for Japanese arsenal.
At the start of war, ZB vz.26 was superior to other Japanese 11th Year Type light machine gun or 3rd Year Type heavy machine gun, so it was a very big threat.
Because of it they adopted captured this weapon as “Czech-Type 7.9mm machine gun”(チ式七粍九軽機関銃) after they captured Chinese arsenal.
In addition they mass-produced copy of its ammunition, “Type 98 cartridge” for it. Finally, about twenty thousands of this gun were used in Japanese army.
Due to its high reliability and performance, it was often called “無故障機関銃 / failure-free machine gun” or “我軍新鋭機銃 / Our army’s newest machine gun”.
If you have interest, you can see IJA’s document about ZB vz.26 and Mauser C96 here: Ministry of Army, 1939, “About adoption of Type Chi 7.9mm LMG and Type Mo large pistol” (Japanese national archive)
Mauser-Type Rifle
Japanese called Chinese Mauser series rifles as “モ式小銃/ Mauser-Type rifle”.
It used large 7.92x57mm rifle cartridge so it was powerful than Japanese one. Especially, armor-piercing cartridges could penetrate Japanese light armored car’s armor so it was serious problem.
Different to ZB vz.26, captured Chinese rifles were not used a lot in Japanese army. However, lots of army and navy garrisons in Chinese continent often equipped such things. (mostly called as “中国式小銃 / Chinese rifle” in weapons ledger)
Hanyang Type 88 rifle (漢陽八八式步槍)
Hanyang Type 88 rifle, commonly known as Hanyang-maid (漢陽造) is popular Chinese rifle since the end of Qing Dynasty.
It was a bit old rifle, but during Chino-Japanese war Chinese mass-produced this rifle in evacuated factories.
Chiang Kai-shek Rifle (中正式步槍)
It was standard weapon of Chinese army before Chino-Japanese war. It was mostly based upon Mauser M24 and replaced other multiple rifles to standardize it.
After Japanese captured Chinese factories, puppet Nanjing regime mass-produced this weapon for them. Also, Japanese army’s unit formed at the late of war in Manchuria used this rifle because of lack of Japanese rifles.
Hand Grenade
Technically it is not a captured weapon, but Japanese mass-produced copy of Chinese hand grenade with handle.
Type 98 hand grenade with handle / 九八式柄付手榴弾
It was copy of Chinese Stielhandgranate adopted in 1939.
Compare to original Japanese grenade, it is easy to throw and powerful. (Type 97 hand grenade: 65g TNT / Type 98 hand grenade: 80g picric acid)
However, it was heavier and larger than other grenades so it was not useful during a move.
Mostly used by Kwantung army at Chinese continent or Japanese mainland garrisons at the late of war.