Liao type 13 bolt action
Xiangying semi-auto
Sorry to clarify you want Chinese weapons in the Japanese tech tree? Chinese squads?
It has been suggested to me that China be a sub faction of USA or USSR. The Nationalist Army had some tech supplied by Germany at first and then USA. But Mao Zedong’s army was largely supplied by the USSR.
I agreed with the person who made the suggestion that it would probably make sense under USSR. It would be another way for Japan and USSR to get to fight in battles together so all factions fight and add more variety in maps for both.
Just because China wouldnt really work as a faction on its own, doesnt mean we cant have Chinese maps or weapons in game.
I’m not very familiar with the Second Sino Japanese War but Im sure there would be some interesting and unique maps (very different from constant snow maps for USSR or same old same old Pacific maps for Japan)
yes like some Asian countries Chinese soldiers also fought for Japan
yes China was fighting Japan but it was also fighting China before and after Japan invaded
So like Manchukuo? That could be cool!
They also had produced the Sugiura pistol, which they could be given in addition to their primary.
There’s also the Mukden type 100, which is basically a .45 ACP version of the type 100 SMG. it’s a little unclear if that was a Manchukuo developed weapon, or built later on by the CCP.
Not just Japanese puppet state, after the initial invasion a collaborationist army with a total amount of 700k soldier fought for the Japanese in china