Chinese hackers everywhere

I returned to this game after several months and now there are hackers with chinese names everywhere.
From throwing a explosive pack while holding a rifle, to being almost unkillable and have aimbot. it is so
unplayable i am considering quiting.

Please fix this!


If you are watching a replay and see somebody throw a grenade without coking it normal. It’s buggy still.
Also for aimbot, be carefull that you are look at the actual player and not one of his AI… which are bots.

Remember, if the “cheater” is not top 1 of his team, it’s probably not a cheater.

Wall hack is a cheat that give away cheater. Look for that.

Nope, i saw it ingame without replay. He held a rifle and then a grenade popped out him instantly and it happened several times.

He ended on top of his team, there was another hacker that ended up on third.


Then report those players in game.

Did it, but as far as i know. it never really helps. Unless everyone reports them.

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And rightfully so.

Would you like to get immediately autobanned because you somehow p***ed off a few clan members and they retaliated by collectively reporting you?

Or because a bunch of newbies doesn’t understand how you are able to (legally) score 100+ kills while they get at most 30?

The reporting system is overflowed by a perpetual tsunami of unfounded reports.

It takes time and manual checks to find out actual abusers.

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Talking about cheating on the Forum is not allowed. Feel free to use the replay server to report the person, otherwise if you are 150% percent sure send the link with replay to a mod per PM.
