Changing headshot sound to bf1 headshot sound effect?

I’m sorry for not having any ability to make sound mods but
I have an idea
how about we make a sound mod that changes to bf1 headshot sound?
damn it must be so awesome.
or is there any possible to insert normal kill sound? that should be really cool too

this is headshot sound in bf1

this is normal kill sound in bf1

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let my finish a work and i will doit that headshot sound

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here its

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actually u applied norm kill sound to headshot but its fine tho…
I have a question. i’m already using other sound mod that both are same naming just u uploaded. it can’t be applying both right?

oh yeah, i confuse the sounds
let my fix it

may windows ask you for replace it, cant use 2 mods whit same name

just delete number 2

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absolute fantastic work soooo satisfying in killing sound in headshot…! Thanks for ur hard work! Im just curious about we don’t have normal kill sound in vanilla but is it impossible to add norm kill sound in game right now?

At this moment it’s not possible

Maybe in the future

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do you know how I can extract the bf1 death screams? I was going to make that as a new enlisted death scream mod, but I couldn’t figure out how to extract the sounds from bf1

sorry i don’t know any of it. it would be kinda cool with bf1 death sounds

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@Bigote0070 where in BF1 files is the headshot sound in Frosty, could you clarify please?