this is in chronological order, from most important to least, so 1 is most, 2 is also important but less important than 1 (this chronological order stops at the end of the first list and doesn’t count towards the second list):
xp needed to level up is way to high, almost 19k xp for a SINGLE level, is way too high!, especially since this class is literally objectively the worst class in the game, the xp for level ups must be way lower, like either 4-5k on average for a level.
the weight, is way too light to the point you move a cm to the right or left, u straight up go to such direction no matter what, you cant control it, also, EVERY obstacle, no matter how small, will absolutely make driving the motorcycle be hell, also, thjs obv also refers to the movement being way too sensitive due to the weight.
when your in ur vehicle, make it automatically choose the best soldier for each seat like tanks, so the soldiers who is most suitable to being the driver will automatically be assigned in the driver seat and the soldier who was in the driver seat before the soldier who is most suitable for such seat will be in a different seat.
when u destroy a enemy motorcycle, make it so it gives you xp, so 55 xp or 50 because getting no xp for exploding a vehicle is nuts.
as for what the rider class needs after such necessary changes apply:
tankettes on later unlocks, the first unlock is obv the motorcycle, the second unlock is a jeep/car, the third unlock is a tankette.
mini rally point, has a limitation of 5 spawns before being destroyed instead of the 20 like a normal rally point has, and how many soldiers on the squad it carries depends on the vehicle, so motorcycle is 2 or 3 soldiers from your squad, jeep/car is 4 or 5 soldiers from your squad, tankette is 3-5 soldiers from your squad, ofc, the vehicles of each faction matter on how many soldiers can be carried by the mini rally/rider class vehicle, like how many soldiers can be in a tank, so for example, br 1 tank with 3 soldiers max is 3 soldier, while most tanks is 5 soldiers, in other words, depends on what model the vehicle is, thats how many the mini rally can carry, the list i gave of how many soldiers can be carried by each vehicle is a generalization of how many soldiers can be carried by each vehicle.