Puma is fascinating from mechanical point of view and has few very interesting features.
One of them is it’s transmission that allows same speed travel in reverse and "normal way of travel"
Well to get to my point Puma has two drivers each oriented to opposite direction.
Puma could travel in both ways without any issues.
I propose to add changeable front for the Puma in the menu.
Front 1:

This is current “front” in the game and it exposes your crew more but also makes you more likely to see your enemy when you come around a corner of a building. Generally more suited for aggressive playstyle.
Front 2:

This exposes engine instead of crew and makes your crew survivability more likely if you get hit since half of your front silhouette is engine compartment. Also makes you more likely to survive hit from something stronger. However you have some trade offs. You are more then likely to get immobilized If anything hits you directly into the engine and even worse you can catch on fire. If you get immobilized in tank engagement near enemy infantry you get overrun with ease. The driver has only two view ports instead of three and can’t see the right side. Generally more suited for defensive playstyle.
By choosing front players could select what suits them best without dealing with inverted controls. Driver 2 (4th crew member) would have some meaning other then extra crew (if the placement of the crew isn’t changed by choosing second front).
At the moment you can’t select your second driver (driver no.2 on first pic or 4th cre member) to vibe check your rear.
Changeable front could be also used for other vechicles with same features as Puma that would come later on into the game.
It would be just amazing to be able to change fronts in battle or depending on which driver you chose to drive with that would change your drive orientation, but I don’t think the code of them game can allow such a thing. Changing fronts in menu would be just fine.
I’m aware this makes no sense in current state of the game and developers are focused on more important stuff, but this would be nice to have ingame.