I’ve noticed that players have been complaining about the difference in zoom between the Japanese and American sniper rifles in the Pacific campaign, citing a clear advantage to the 8x zoom of the Springfield over the 2.5x zoom afforded to both the Type 97 and Type 99, and even some comments about the size of the sight picture being larger. While this cannot be fully alleviated, the Type 99 sniper rifle did have a 4x zoom scope, and the sight picture does look to be a fair bit clearer than the relative in-game 2.5x scope.
I believe it would be better to adjust the zoom for the existing Type 99, rather than to introduce the 4x zoom for a new weapon, as that would better address the issues with gameplay disparity as there is little sound reason to demand players grind for a sniper rifle which will end up still only having half the zoom of the Springfield it is a counterpart of. While minor model adjustments would be necessary, I think the zoom can be considered for adjustment before a model rework is made, as the gameplay impact is of greater consideration first and foremost.
Looking down a Type 99’s 4x scope
Top down appearance of Type 99 4x scope
Or you can just change your own FOV to 0 for time that you are sniping lol. Works just as good for HMG.
not the same thing as addressing a balance issue.
Too much zoom is a problem either you cant use your scoped rifle in medium range and you are forced in long range sniping something enlisted gameplay penalize if you are not “the finnish guy”, japanese one with a lower magnification imo are better for enlisted gameplay because let you be more aggressive in medium range withaut make you go on the frontline
I dont every weapon should have counterpart in opposite faction, it’s pretty boring. Zoom in sniper rifle really isn’t issue in matter of balancing. Sniper squads aren’t even meta. That’s it. 
You should rather accept that some factions has better and worse aspects than others. That’s what makes actually fun. Overcome differences with smarter playsttle. Not everything should be “fair” to be properly balanced.
The way I see it, this also introduces a historical distinction between the Type 97 and Type 99, rather than making them feel like clone weapons. This doesn’t also make for a full counterpart (still 4x zoom as opposed to the Springfield’s 8x zoom), so I’m not sure what the concern is here. If you want to stick to 2.5x zoom, the Type 97 is perfectly adequate for that job already.
I actually agree with you. I’m a fan of asymmetric balancing. But that still doesn’t change that what you said doesn’t actually address the design issue at hand (and honestly, I’m not sure if it’s even an issue myself)
I prefer the PE(3.9x) and the PU(3.5x) scopes for Mosin sniper where they are just the right scopes for the job while the German 4x scope is good too. The Japanese scopes are just hard to counter snipe with due to the 2.5x scope and I even use the Type 99 sniper for the sniper squad there.
The difference is just huge like I’m more comfortable sniping with the Mosin because the power of the scope being high enough to do its tasks unlike the Type 99 sniper where sure its lethal and it reloads with stripper clips but the lower power scope makes it much harder to counter snipe against Springfields.
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It doesn’t matter how convenient it is. The important thing is that this is reality. Is your game still historical, realistic, or no longer?