Change the LVT (A) (1) from tank to Mobile APC

With the introduction of armored APC’s, the game has opened itself to more oportunities when it comes to mobile support.

Static spawn points are game changers and will continue to be. Right now armored/armed APC’s also provide much needed spawn presence, but are either locked behind paywalls, or inaccesible due to belonging to past events.
The original LVT was never a real menace (as a tank) in the battlefield. Even at its introduction it was vulnerable to any japanese AT weapon, and vastly inferior to the Ka Chi in its role. The only benefits it ever had was the fact you could spawn a 6 man SMG squad and drive it to an objective. The two rear gunner slots were also mostly a decoration for squad mates who wanted to have some fun.

When analysing the positives of the LVT A1, it is easy to see how similar they are to that of a mobile APC. That’s because it was one.

As it stands, the only purpose it has is to waste a tank slot for your team, and grant the enemy Stug/Panzer 4/ AT squad a free 400 points to their scoreboard.
I firmly believe the best way to repurpose this Rank I vehicle would be to give it the ability to act as a mobile spawn point like the Buffalo being added in the next update. This would make the investment on this vehicle still worth it by giving it a reason to be used over other more powerful vehicles (literally anything past the M13).

Please evaluate this suggestion.


One more benefit of this change would be players wanting to own both the LVT A1 and the buffalo, in the efforts to provide their team with multiple spawn points at once.


No, I bought it as a tank and I want it to be tank. Stop trying to change shtts I bought.


Well thats the thing. You can still bring it and use it as a tank just like you can drive around in an APC similar to the ones from the event. It still has armor to protect you from small arms. This change would also give it a funtion as an APC for those who want to leave it around spawning people and being a passive source of points without spending a tank slot.


No, you can’t. It’s BR should be definitely increased (since BR for stummel was increased).

Just stop changing things I bought. It is so annoying.


Good idea since right now it’s completely useless and i’m never using it. As long as it won’t be at BR over BR2 then i’m fine with the change.


So its BR would go from rank I to rank II like the other APC’s.
You are 100% correct. The battlerating being higher would mean that it would now face rank III.

Wait a second…


I have another idea for Bikes we should be able to spawn at the location of a bike but only your squad nothing else and unlike the trucks/apc/uc you won’t be able to spawn if enemies are nearby so it will behave like usual rally points but only for you.

No, it should be BR3 apc. Since all apc are BR2 by default and this would way better than all of them

Nice try, lol. Just another intellectual dishonesty.

As I have said. Dont try to change stuff for which I have paid for.
There’s so many vehicles you can suggest instead.


no it shouldn’t It’s inferior to the kfz 251/9 and right now is completely useless as the tank

No, it is not. It is amphibious, it has cannon, it has 3 mgs.

Btw. Sdkfz 7 is inferior to sdkfz 251/1 and both are on the same BR anyway. Even if lvt was worse than stummel. It would be irrelevant. It is still way superior to any other US apc.


How would it be a rank III given its combat capabilities?
It can die to: Any anti tank rifle. Molotovs and explosive packs. Being strafed. Heavy MG’s. Any tank in the game. Artillery.
The Stummel is better in every way. A 37mm with one (actually usable) MG is not a serious threat even to a Panzer III N at rank 2.

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useless anywhere except the pacific which has a lot of water

just like kfz 251/9 that has short 75mm which is superior

and it can only shoot one at same time unless you ask someone to hop in and drive backwards

just stop trying to change things for which I have paid for.


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Same question can be applied to stummel, lol.


They already did that with multiple squads by making them useless due nerfs his idea at least could make that squad useful in a current patch.


Most of the time it can do less than a U.S. military utility transport.
The universal transport vehicle also has weapon mounts but is equally useless.
So he is at level 2

37MM cannon is usually one of the most useless things
Even if he can float on the water

If I were Japanese, I would never mind if a metal plate with only a 37MM gun and 2 rear machine guns became a transport vehicle.
Because we have one too (although he doesn’t have a rear machine gun)
The Germans won’t mind either
Because they have the 75MM version

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If it’s an armored APC and it has a canon it will be sent to BR 3 and if this still doesn’t change people’s minds and we still want this to be a BR2 vehicle then we may as well invite the stummel back in as well

hello no because the lvt is 1 and the Ka-Chi is a fire support not an apc

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A cannon that even Type 2 tanks may not be able to penetrate.
I can’t think of any reason not to use it as a large anti-tank rifle

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