Change of squad assigment / insignia

Old players still have a lot of legacy squads, but new players will start to ask questions - “what is this squad / how did you get it / I want it too” and so on.

My proposition is to give the ability to change squad insignia for 200 :moneybag:


I guess it would be good to change,
but giving them Gold, for something they implemented and forced upon us,
we shouldn’t be punished and have to pay,
should just be a option :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m a bit conflicted about this sugestion.

on one hand, would be great for example, to be able to force cosmetics if implemented correctly with it.

for example, make a full luftwaffe lineup with luftwaffe units that only dresses with luftwaffe uniforms.
or, full US airborne with the 506, 503, 501, and pretty much any 101st related reggiments or divisions and so on.

( at the same time, locking it behind a pay feature wouldn’t be good too )

on the other hand, i don’t think it would work either way.

because currently, in enlisted ( through editor and datamine ) icons are hard coded to actual squads.

so you can’t just swap them like you would think or want. there would need a separate new squad for each role etc. ( aka, creating 120+ more squads just for an icon that needs additional basic set of cosmetics, .json, cosmetic buy able options etc )
it’s not actually that simple.

so, in the end, sure, but i’m not sure if they can actually fix the technical sides.
but if they can, then sure.

I do not use editor. I did not know that :cry:

Sure, there are more importants things to do at the moment :man_mechanic: :technologist: :scientist: