Change how the type 100 mg is displayed

It has a 100 round magazine, not 50 round mag.
Please show this in game.


Yes, I was complaining about this during test server before the update was even released to live server. It’s extremely misleading.

IDK why they made it that way, technical issue to display?

Dunno, it has 50 rounds X2 yes but it can only fire 50 times, so 100 would be more misleading

well i mean if you use logic 2 barrel mean it 100/2 = 50 so…

now if it 1 barrel that a different story

Well, they should at least add (x2) behind the ammo counting.

50/150 (x2).

i guess they could show 100 too like how burst weapon ammo count work

The machine gun does show that it does 24 damage instead of normal 12 so you can figure it, though it should definitely be mentioned in the description.