Bazookas are described as 30mm caliber in the game but have 60mm caliber in real life (Bazooka - Wikipedia). If this is intended, please change the description of the bazookas. If this is a bug, please view Community Bug Reporting System and click ‘I have same issue’.
this is weird how they messed that up considering darkflow unironically plagiarizes from wikipedia, and tries to be sneaky about it by changing a few words
Damn, how’d you find this out lol
I found out about Darkflow’s plagiarism months ago, made a reddit post about it, but people just downvoted me and said “who cares lol” even though this behavior objectively displays Darkflow as being lazy and unable to do their own writing
If you need more proof about Darkflow being lazy, go ingame right now and look at the descriptions at the Ho-Ha, Sdfkz, and the universal carrier (I think all of the APCs actually) are just the same description that goes “name of vehicle was designed to carry troops to the battlefield” or something like that
I’ve pointed this out during test server for APC update, but they didn’t care.
I guess it’s may not just “changing a few words”. Darkflow use Google Translation for their localization. I’ll check Russian and Latvian Wikipedia.
Fantastic. These Quotes about Panzer IV/70 (V) seems to only appear on English web pages. I can’t imagine what this means for a game with developers from Russia and Latvia.