Chain or set skills?

Tanks with 2 magazines, can you chain 2 quick charge abilities, or for example put one to quickly charge and the other to maintain the charge when changing ammunition?


Just one is apply

How sad xD

Darn you Google translate!

English is not my main language, nor do I practice it! Sorry.

And to top it off, this forum only accepts English.

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Yeah I can tell. Calling loaders “magazines,” faster reloading “quick charge,” and saying “maintain the charge” instead of “keeping reload progress”

It’s pretty clear that you used some sort of translator, and it translated quite poorly. Probably using literal translations without knowing context or something. It makes sense, it just hurts to read. Lol

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I don’t think the problem lies with the translator, but rather with the fact that my main language has more types of ways to call something than English.
I try to correct the translator with my limited knowledge of the language so that it is not so painful to read, but there are limits.

And that’s because my language has an absurd amount of idioms to refer to something. xD


And so does English, unfortunately! :slight_smile:


Exactly, and they do not match between one language and the other. haha

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Perks from different soldiers do not stack with each others.

If you only had one soldier as loader and the other seat were to be empty, you would still get maximum reloading speed.

See the second soldier, as a “spare”. If the first loader dies, the other is here :smile:

Edit: the other loader is “greyed out”. It means he’s not even in your tank. The reason it’s possible to have a surplus soldier in this squad, is that another vehicle might have a spot for him.

Example first vehicle in squad, 4 seats mazimum.
Second vehicle by the squad, can use 5 seats.

So the squad will have 5 slots.

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HERO, ty

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