Carousel of Drama lol

Squad types:
-AT Squads

14 different squad types to choose from, and players will be able to use two of the same squad type (in any given match).

I find it hilarious that people are complaining about losing the ability to spam endless assault/flame squads. It’s not like it’s going to make much of a difference to your gameplay… For example, now instead of 3-4 assault squads, you stack Two assault squads + 1 flame squad, or 2 assault squads + 2 flame squads, or you can grow a pair and learn how to use the other 12 squad types available to you.

In my humble opinion, I think it’s a good thing players will no longer be able to spam the same type of squad-type, and it should be further expanded by restricting both teams to a maximum of two paratrooper squads being allowed at any given time (like tanks and aircraft are restricted to two units, each).

You know who’s happy about this new change? All the people who do not resort to recycling/spamming assaulters/flamers the entire match. These are the same sweaty players who lose 15-25 squads each match, and bleed their team dry of tickets during their crusade to farm as much XP as possible.

The forum is hysterical right now :joy: :joy: :joy:

Have you ever heard a whale moan? :whale2: :whale: :moneybag: :moneybag:


Oh don’t worry you will still be able to spam the same squad type, all you will need is a credit card.


Basically every squad in the game can use automatics, so its not even a loss. Plenty of squads can also have assaulters, and be used as basically a weaker assault squad. (Mortar, just stick 2 assaulters in, Flame Trooper, just stick 2 assaulters in, etc)


well for f2p we get 2 assault 1 flame or 2 flame 1 assault i guess

It’s not going to stop me.

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omg sheeple thread without 10 videos, loads of screenshots and kilometer long post explaining obvious problems in the game? here is a like


Like only because is a normal post for one time


Whales don’t have this problem right? Premium squads aren’t affected.


I dont get it. Whales are basically unaffected.

More like a whale mating call


I am ready to use mortars and snipers in turn with my friends. We will cooperate with each other as “fists” and “eyes”. Of course, we will also prepare a machine gun squads to form cross fire.This seems to be what they want.That’s right, I’ll put down assaulters/flamers, and I won’t even carry two identical squads.Haha, I like diversity.

Seriously, how can you guys be that stubborn towards basic logic, you say it yourself that this change is not gonna fix the Meta or spamming - while also saying that we “complain” about losing the ability to spam endless assault/flame squads.

My god am I surrounded by toddlers or what? We will not AT ALL lose the ability to “spam those units”!

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Which squads will be next?If we use snipers and engineers to stay in the gray area all the time, will they also be restricted?Haha, I think we should use these annoying guys more to “make the game better”.I wonder what people will complain about after complaining about every squads once.

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Limit applies to every squad so those squads are also restricted. So what is your point my smoothbrained friend?


We may see snipers and engineers who are driven out of the gray area in the future, because as long as they are used much more, some people will say “abuse”.Ah, it’s easy for us to think of a way to “abuse” any squads, so it’s not hard to imagine what ridiculous restrictions will follow.

If you stay in air for too long your wings going to fall off, you have a timer in a tank like in Crazy Taxi if you won’t get enough score you will see TIME UP screen it will slowly count from 10 to 1 and at 0 it will make your tank go boom, since you haven’t paid Gaijin $1 to keep playing.
If you stay in a grayzone for too long as a sniper game will spawn aimbotting bot that will instantly 1hk you in the head.

Wonderful! I expect them to be installed, haha.

Both squads can be killed in thegrey zone from range with basic BA rifle. The only infantry squad that benefits from grey zone is mortar squad.

So false argument.

I can also blow up mortars by plane, so there is no problem in the gray area.If only it were like this.Or this restriction itself is to encourage players to use different kinds of squads. It seems that there is no problem to mention these special squads.

I dont really care as much for the infantry squads as you could just slot in a medic as the 3rd slot for a similar effect.

My biggest problem is with vehicles as you cant cycle them unless you pay for an overpriced premium Squad. You really need another try with your “insert vehicle” to keep your chain going?
No problem just pay us 60 bucks for our lattest premium squads.

Edit: If someone wants to say enlisted is P2W this feature it is and new players surely love to try out a new game with so kind of P2W feature attached to it.

It requires a plane that is a specialised and limited tool. So in theory it is a problem. But fortunayelly mortar squads are rather weak and rare. So most of the time nobody cares.

Also I still don’t see any connection with the topic.