Cap Point Icon

I’m not sure if the developers are even aware of this: The cap icon that is shown on the map before you spawn into the game is so subdued that it can barely be seen on some of the maps; sometimes, you have to spend a significant amount of time looking for it. I don’t know if this is done for “artistic expression,” or something else, but it needs to be fixed. There’s no reason for the cap point to be so light that you can’t see it on a map—especially the winter maps. Please make the cap icon more visible. This should be a very quick and simple fix. Just remember one thing when you make a change to the game: Function over fashion!

The UI is probably overwhelming for new players. Having to control a squad, take cover, make sure your AI takes cover, shoot at the enemy all while keeping track of the objective is too much at first, but players that stay usually get the hang of it.

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Yeah, um, ah… I’m not a new player: I simply want to be able to see where the cap point is on the map. But you make a good point: New players especially need to be able to see it! There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever that it should be subdued as it is.