Cancel customization change in the test server

In the test server the appearance of the cosmetics for the Gerat 03 squad has been changed. I liked how my squad looked and I would really not like it to change with the update.

Wouldn’t it be better to add the new cosmetic as an entirely new customization option, so players can choose their camo like they now can with the paratroopers?




I dont get why “replacing” happens over just adding.

Im guessing you swapped the pants out?


I did

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Are any other event/premium cosmetics changed for weird scenarios like Moroccan bathrobes in Normandy or Volkssturm in Tunisia?


i do prefer the new variant,

because it’s more realistic than the previous mountain luftwaffe splinter variant.

it also happened in the past that some premium changed their camouflage and got adjusted ( erma EMP, was one, and few others that i could be missing the name ) to resemble what they were supposed to be.

at the same time, i would really love this new variant for base units too.

but… tricky.


You mean this?

I mean are any of these fixed in the TS?

Same, I like the new version more. The old one looks like Pistachio ice cream camo.

Screenshot_20240216_090304_Samsung Internet


I like the new one, its just I like my pistachio boys as they were. I just think it would be a lot better if I got to keep my pistachio boys and the new cosmetics are added as an option. everyone wins.