Can you please finally normalize perk points of premium soldiers?

If a player has reached max level with a soldier before the merge, his/her soldier kept the old perk points values.
If player didn’t reach max level with soldier, his/her soldier got new post merge perk points values.
(All soldiers in premium squads should have the same perk points values).

I request that all premium soldiers to have their perk points changed to the new values.

Btw. I am pretty sure this was reported to CBR already.

I have some examples here. So people can get an idea of what I’m talking about.






Agreed, this has been long overdue, along with old gold order troops.

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While we are at it, all the event and premium infantry with less than 16 movement perk is pure trash. AT soldiers are the only ones who should not be allowed spint speed. Yes that one perk should be on ALL my premium and event soldiers. Come argue :partying_face:

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I don’t find value in the sprint speed perk, but I will gladly take a couple extra movement perk points.