Can we NOT increase the amount of minimum infantry squad? Limit the amount of tank squad instead!

I just want to play my 2 AT teams ffs, why do you have to make it so difficult!!!


Wait, I get different information on this topic - what exactly changed?

now you need 3 infantry squad in a lineup MINIMUN which means i cannot cycle between my 2 AT teams using bike and tank squad. Hell man i dont even use the vehicle and to curb tankspamming they HAD to kill whatever joy infantryman have

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Or… they could allow APC and bike squads to spawn on foot.
Just like in this suggestion from a whole damn year ago. A suggestion that was ““forwarded”” to the devs and apparently ignored.

I guess devs prefer to come up with their own brilliant solutions.

Oh now I get it - completely misunderstood the issue.

And yeah, APCs or motorcycles are just as much support units as mortar or sniper squads.

This is a terrible change, only tanks and planes should have limits.

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Already the case for APCs - I do that all the time, I only spawn in with the transport if I need to set a mobile spawn point, but I still use the crew as infantry.

my issue is instead of limiting how many tank/plane squad to bring to stop vehicle spam they HAVE to increase the minimum amount of infantry squad you need to bring smh so stupid

Oh, really? I haven’t played with APC for a long time so apparently I missed it.
But then this new limit doesn’t makes sense?

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The minimum infantry squad limit of 3 makes no sense. New players only get 2 infantry squads (Rifle 1 and Sniper 1) and a tank squad (Tanker 1), which does not satisfy this minimum limit to get a battle.

Exactly- this change is actually pretty new, which makes it double weird why they introduced that limit now?

First make APC able to spawn as infantry, then overhaul bikes - then limit them.

Who thought this was a good idea?


There is no problem with infantry squad limit of 3 at all - because thats what we had since now, its just that APC and bikes counted as infantry.

Since the release of Tunisia update, F2Ps can cycle with 2 squads by taking only 2 infantry squads into battle (2 infantry squads, 1 Bike, 1 tank/plane). This 2 squad cycling feature no longer exists after the Burma update.

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THIS is the issue


As an example, Cringemacht can no longer cycle 2 AT squads like before the update.

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Well thats what I am saying, we always had 3 minimum infantry squads, its just that bikes counted as infantry.

REALLY annoying especially when most of the infantry support squads only have 2 tiers of them

Hu? But AT squads are infantry? Now I understand nothing again

before this i can cycle between my 2 AT squads when i have 2 AT squads, 1 bike squad, and 1 vehicle squad. Now, with the current update I’m forced to bring another infantry squad for some reason and causing me to have to use the third squad before I had to cycle between my AT squads again

He means AT Gunner I and AT Gunner II squads