Can we NOT increase the amount of minimum infantry squad? Limit the amount of tank squad instead!

No way they did that BS again!

You are trying to tell me I can’t bring the same squad type into battle? This is a completely different issue.

no, what we mean is we cannot cycle between two infantry squads regardless of their type by adding bike squad in the lineup

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Wait that was possible? I didn’t know that.

That sounds extremely broken to me to be honest - how did I not know about this?

to be honest it’s not that broken. If you want to cycle toxic squads like assaulter you have 3 of them, but for some reason they HAVE to break what little fun i had in this game

It’s just overlook, an unintended consequence of the change that players with more than 4 slots will no longer have to occupy all slots to get into battle.

The helpers have already said that the devs are aware of this and will fix it.

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Well okay, but I didn’t know what I said there this entire issue is new to me - I didn’t know that you could reduce your squad cycling by one.


he mean reducing the minimum of infantry squad in line up and cycling between the two of them by adding a bike squad in the lineup

That shouldn’t be possible.

If that was the case, it was a bug and an exploit. People should not be able to cycle 2 squads.

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Consider a new player with only 2 infantry squads. He can cycling through the 2 squads without using the third squad

it has been there since Tunisia CBT and frankly should be the feature if you want to exclusively run support squads that only have two tiers.

It’s a feature since the Tunisia CBT

Stop spreading ridiculous statements.

It’s an exploit.

And bikes/APC that could be used for this kind of exploit weren’t present in the game since “the dawn of enlisted”.

Cycle of squads was and should be 3.

my apologies for using hyperbole but what’s the difference? now everyone have bike squad everyone can choose whether to run 3 different squads or specialize in playing engineer/anti tank role

DF didn’t care about toxic cycle when they give anything but rifleman squad 3 tiers so people can run around non stop with their PPSH 41/STG/Tokyo SMG/Thompson but now when people just want to play engineer/AT team suddenly it’s an exploit? funny.

Cycle of squads was 3 before Biker squads being introduced

No this is terrible, I have set up minimum 3 infantry squads for all BRs - which I wouldn’t need to do if I didn’t buy squad slots and had a motorcycle?

This is 100% an exploit.

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You can have engineers and AT soldiers in majority of infantry squads (exceptions are guerrillas and medics).

I don’t see any legitimate argument that could justify exploit that allowed to cycle only 2 instead of 3 squads.

Also that means I can bring in my prem squad faster, this is simply against game design

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Tryharders can cycle 2 king tigers or 2 P47s by exploiting this ‘bug’

except you can’t force 2 cycle of vehicle, only infantry