Can we get the correct crosshair on the Lee Enfield No.4 MK1 (T)?

As one guy almost 2 years ago said In the original post that Lee Enfield No.4 MK1 (T) doesn’t have its correct crosshair but it just has the plain cross instead of the T post it should have, the rifle has been in the game for long time and the crosshair is the same as on the Pacific premium Enfield p14 (T) so it would take almost no time to give it to the No4. It would be a small but quite nice change.


Many scope and crosshair are just copy pasted… I don’t think their priority is aim for those

OP, your link to the original post doesn’t work.

I know but don’t know why, but it was named „Correct reticle for No4 MkI (T) / No32 MkI scope“
With this picture