Can we get PVE?

The question is, will there ever be a game mode against bots?
Because to be honest, I’m fed up with the fact that players play worse than bots and because of that I don’t want to play Enlisted
I hope others have it a little better

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There was that before merge but it got remove due to not enough player playing it. Beside now we have zombie

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I dont think thats ever going to be an offical mode,the closest there is to that is the zombie modes theyve had,but those were just gags.Im pretty sure a helper themselves said nothing like that would happen,but dont hold me to that.

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I’m curious where and when you play and what BR level.

I play on NA servers on various factions. I play in the EST time zone. (Past few days, BR3 Russian, for instance) and I just don’t run into this all that often.

Yes, I’ll have a game or two, particularly if I drop down, to say BR1 German, where one side or the other is plainly incompetent, but it’s not that surprising since you can certainly run into a lot of newbs at BR1.

But, by BR3, which I have finally started to try since I got tired of BR3 constantly outgunning BR2 - and it’s very competitive on both sides.

But, just coming to the forum and doing a generic “Everyone’s stupid, I’d rather play with bots” post just comes off as, at best, venting.

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A dedicated PVE mode would be nice, but I doubt Darkflow would implement it if they are not satisfied with the current player numbers.

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the main worry i have with PVE is how will gaijin gut the reward for it

You get PVE by joining random battle, it does not matter if the enemy is bot or human, they are the same most of the time.

If you want PVE just get into custom battle and play zombie