Can someone tell me about this?

If I want to buy an additional slot it says that I need to pay 490 Enlisted gold. Is this price also halved during the VE day, anniversary and Christmas sale meaning that I can buy a squad slot for 245 Enlisted gold?

have to wait and see i guess i bought mine during a slot sale (which i have never seen before tbh)

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Slots got discounted only single time from what i remember

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It varies, but I think it happened, once or twice.

There never was a deal on gold itself. But often deals on what gold can buy.

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Sometimes it is, sometimes it is not.

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i hope this anniversary the lvt4 and jap apc will finally be on sale tbh

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Oh it’s a blast man lemme tell ya. Love the LVT’s, both of them


I bought them discounted in the May sale.

I’m pretty sure they were 50% off, and I bought a LOT of them.

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I wonder when will soviet paratrooper squads will get discount on gold

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Probably next time there’s deals. As a rule of thumb, newest squads never get deals, then the next round of deals, they get 30% off.

If it’s on the second round at least and it’s anniversary or Christmas, we can hope for 50%

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