Can someone PLEASE explain to me when the item is considered "spent"

so, as far as i understand you have to buy every consumable item for each deployment of each soldier in a squad, so if a squad is, for example, consists of 8 soldiers, each is equipped with 3 frag grenades - that’s 83500=12000 silver per deployment of this squad? Are all the consumables considered lost if the squad died without using any of them? Or only the actually used grenades are considered spent and have to be purchaced again?

thanks in advance!

8 multiplied by 3 multiplied by 500 - didn’t know this forum uses asterics for formatting

You don’t have to pay money to use the grenades every time.

You just pay 500 for a grenade, which you can then give to a soldier and then use that grenade however you want without paying silver anymore.


When you use a frag in battle, you get it back when you respawn. You do not have to pay for each use


okay, so when you’re purchacing 10 “grenades”, you basically enable this item to be equipped in 10 equipment slots between the squads you’re using, right?
the low price for medkits got me confused, - i thought they are each an individual single use item

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Yep. Equipment is a one-time purchase. Once equipped, it’s there forever. When you use a grenade, medic pack, or any other consumable, it’s replenished (for free) on your next spawn.


You can edit your posts!

Dont worry, you also dont have to buy a new tank or airplane when yours gets destroyed.


There are no “consumables” to put on soldiers. All equipment is permanent. The only consumables is currency and orders (weapon upgrade orders, gold orders, upgrade change orders, appearance orders, etc)