Can someone make German insignia mod?

Here are my suggestions:

  • Chest eagle and a cap eagle on caps :


  • Some helmet insignia :

s-l1200 (1)

  • And if possible uncensored Berlin flags.
    Thank you.

that’s not how mods works.

we are currently unable to modify game textures.

( we can, but only for custom made missions. which means, not for the base game elsewhere outside said modded missions and even now, is sort of a nightmare now too, because the way we uplaod currently custom textures is not really “ideal” either. since we have to make a capzones in the middle of an area. and are forced to make textures alot dark to get a result which we may not like or was how we initially designed ).

here are a few examples ( just a moment )
last tunic was the starter point, latters with iconis are my edits. and they all looks washed,

because i had to turn down the light points by 73%

and yet it’s not quite there

all to say, id be easier to wait for them to enable custom content, and give us the method that they use
( i doubt they will force the texture department team to make everything darker and " go " with it )

especially since their raw textures are not that dark.

granted, i must admit that, the examples provided were some test. because if you ( like i did ) put more time into it, and try 230 bilions times, you can make decent textures that can look realistic.

but again, making them dark is far from being ideal.

( what police stuff has to do with enlisted? ugh… nothing. but it was for me just a way to show better examples. of which i made for my own mods. but as i have wasted around 100 hours making them for the past few months, i’m telling you. it would better for us to get some sort of ddsl packer or whatever they use for game textures. so we don’t have to worry about turning everything dark and then work from there. or that sort of things. )


Firstly, u got some real cool stuff, congrats. But it seems odd to not be able to modify these things. I didnt know tho. Hope they change their minds or put some insignia in-game but I really doubt.
But as someone who doesnt understand mods, keep going.
I’ll keep pushing them for some changes.



well, you can ( and at the same time, you cannot ), but the game has some sort of file protection.

aka, if you change something that you aren’t supposed to ( in this example, textures ) upon launching the game, the game recognizes something has been changed, and it will start downloading the files again, replacing the modified ones.

some sort of safe method i guess.
i guess makes sense, otherwise everyone would just turn the skins purple to see everyone better. which can be, and it is a problem.

but, the same could be argue about footsteps. and yet, we do have sound mods.

maybe we’ll need something similar. just drag and drop the dds files, and the game will load them.

could be a start :slight_smile:

no worries.
i mean, modding is what only a tiny fraction of the % in the playerbase even do.
we can’t expect everyone to know everything!.

yeah well… insignias used to be a thing, such as:

( these were officials )


but were removed. to this day we don’t know why.

we can only guess, due to censorships//market reasons and what not ( for example, the berlin in the Closed Alpha Test had actual historical markings. and to market reasons, they took them off… even stranger on the american ones xd )

so, yeah. it’s unlikely outside mods…

we’ll try :saluting_face:

that’s the spirit.

i’m sure more people wanting for us modders to get better tools and get more access to certain things would aid and allow us to pump more content out.

unfortunately, people seem to be more worried about their own faction and how is weak or how the opponents are stronger… but i digress.


With how casual this game is. I wouldn’t mind it. If someone is desperate enough to play a completely disgusting version of the game to compensate for their own lack of skill in bot killing, ok.

If replacing textures is allowed in WT, it should be allowed in Enlisted as well.

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i am of the same opinion.

but, in their case, a game where skins are being putted behind premium, where anyone could just replace texture onto free to play tunic versions, you, as a company, want some sort of " integrity " to prevent that.

but, maybe i’m fense/fence sitting.
( still surprised we do have WT live and they allowed it though. )

Yup, I noticed that Americans are missing some insignia which they used to have since their announcement and now is just gone and that is even stanger. And thats why Im pessimistic about adding some german stuff, like almost impossible.
But… last night I got surprised of how unpredictable Enlisted is .
They put SS skull on Pz III E and Afrikakorpus on Pz III J but not censored eagles on other caps and coats as they did on “ушанка” (translate this one idk how is its English version).

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Like two completely different dev teams are working on the same game.

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very true, thats why we have to expand by teaching more people

You should try out the mods (custom missions) on the website, they are really cool and may blow your mind


I will