Hello comrades!
These damn lines ruin my entire view… how do i disable them?
Designer view
Currently time I have some problems with these boxs (don’t see it also NavMesh and Collisions) so can’t be sure.
As how Bigote said… You can try change Developer
mode to Designer
(It’s near ?
If it doesn’t help you then make copy modsEditor.bat
and change it: remove -dev
none of the two methods works for me.
in the first scenario, nothing happens.
in the second scenario, if i modify the default modseditor.bat after a few seconds it will kick me out of it and start downloading and verify in auto the game files.
and if i do the same but on a copy, it will kick me out as well.
try copy one modseditor.bat
mh… interesting. i tried to do that 4 times, but it didn’t worked.
( so for those who did the same as me, just exit the folder and try again, also, make sure to close all tabs. game included )
i suppose my luck.
but now it does though
I believe the launcher would only monitor files with specific names