Can I still recruit British/Italian speaking/looking soldiers?

So, post-merge, I’m curious - can we still recruit British and Italian speaking/looking troops or are they now inaccessible?

Bit of a small question but I’d hate to lose my Brits/Italians as I like the variety they add to my Allies and Axis roster.

I’m not entirely sure anymore. I have also noticed that I had to rename many of my Italians when newly purchased.
Their uniforms also change into German ones as soon as they leave Tunisia maps.

I suspect the British may be equally bugged as soon as they arrive on Normandy or Ardennes maps

I made a BR II Italian line up, but they struggle massively if you equip them historically vs the current BR III match ups. They do ok at their own BR though.

yes, you can still buy / recruit british and italian soldiers.

but it’s all RNG.

their nationality will not change.
only their uniforms will change to fit the campaign
( this only happens to italians outside tunisia )


I tested this as of 20th August 2024, post-merge.

I tried to recruit a British rifleman, it won’t work. It just gives me an American rifleman. In the practice mode the voice line is American and he carries the US knife not the British pointy dagger.

I was selected on the Brit BR I Assaulter squad (36th Infantry Brigade) when I recruited the soldier, which is a legacy squad I believe that can be deleted. I also tried it while selected on the tech tree Brit BR I AT Squad (68th Anti-Tank Regiment).

Both times I recruited a rifleman and it gave me an American one. I also tried to recruit an Assaulter but it also gave me an American one. They both have US knife equipped instead of the pointy Brit dagger and both have American voice lines when I tested in practice mode.

you just had bad rng.

but, it won’t matter since it has been confirmed that they are considering the option to allow anyone to change the nationality soldiers through the customization.

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At this moment


Engineer I
Mortarman I
AT Gunner I
Machine Gunner I
Attacker Pilot II
Tanker II
Assaulter III

Engineer I
Machine Gunner I

Closing the post

You know, necro and there are definitive answer