Buying the battlepass after completing it the F2P way sounds like foolproof idea?

So let’s say I completed the BP via F2P.
If I buy the premium BP now with the spare coins I have I basically get all the niceties that were previously paywalled and get my money back too?


yeah basically, the only thing buying the battlepass early gives is being able to progress it 3x faster


Yeah but I wasn’t sure if I’d have the time to complete it. But at this stage sounds win-win I guess.


theres like 8 days left why would you buy the pass

To get all the stuff I’ve already unlocked and the coins back as well?

Where’s the downside?

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oh you finished all the things

yep, you get 900+100

and a loot of orders and boosters (probably you can get a 500xp booster)
i remember when i get a 1000% boster in 3 games

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And conquest with a bot team, we all know how that works :smiley:


There is no downside if you unlocked everything

Basically, Enlisted is a really great $30 game. $10 for the battle pass that you can earn back in time for the next one, and $20 for the year of premium time. I guess it could be a $10 game where you just buy the battle pass and then save up for a year of premium time…

Yeah if you unlocked everything or at least 900 gold then you get your money back

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Downside is that if you own BP you’ll get 9 tasks per day instead of 3.
So if you would buy it on the start of season, you would get so much more value from it.

If you’ve finished it then you might as well, you’ll be getting your gold right back through the locked gold, plus all the orders.

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Good idea. But no luck for me :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Big F


Downsides are simple but are not a reason to not buy it anyway. You quicker unlock whole Pass as you have 9 insteed of 3 tasks per day. Then after completion each extra stage gives you few silver orders and boost for exp. So I mostly complete pass after about 20-30 days, never counted the exact time, then after completion I farm silver orders and other stuff there. So downside is simple, you have less time to farm this extra silvers which means is less profitable. But getting your gold back is better, cuz sparing god you can buy another extra pass for next season. Then farm it fast and start after completion you are presented with extra silvers. Question is now how it will be lookin after update, they are about to create new currency, silver I pressume, so no one really knows how’s this gonna be converted. But as for now if you are about to play enlisted I bet buying it now is way profitable into future, especially if you not have Premium Account for like a year. I does it every year, was cheaper than buying every onth or 3 months. Esoecially with promo that we have each and every year.

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So I got the premium BP but I still get just 3 tasks?

You will still have only 3 at one time. But after you’ll complete task, it will be replaced immediately by another one until you reach 9 tasks per day.

I hope its understandble. My english gets progressively worse when I am tired.


Everything understood, thank you.

Last question I guess: can I pick and choose which rewards to get first or if it’s the booster’s turn I will get the booster anyway? (I don’t need it now)

I think you can’t choose. But I am not 100% sure about it.