Buying new vehicles

I just found out that in order to get new vehicles in the tech three you gotta research all the previous vehicles in lower tiers. For example, I just got a tiger iI p but turns out I gotta get all the previous tanks in order to buy the tiger ii p, and Im pissed. Im not gonna farm like 400k+ experience. I was totally fine with the merge but now that we gotta do this I dont rlly wanna play the game anymore. Pleaseeee change thiss Darkflow.

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same for weaponry. Just unlocked the MG-15. Couldn’t buy it because i don’t have the ZB-26 unlocked. Really frustrating. Not a problem for new players, but for veteran players this is a huge downside. Forcing us to reasearch stuff we will never use anyway

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yeah like theres not really any purpose for us to need them since we have better equipment and also they never even said anything about this so it really caught me off guard

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Really dumb requirement. Im not going to grind all the random panzers. I’ll just stick with my tiger 1 and it’ll stomp the allies well enough