Buildings that Scale with BR

Ok front pusher

I think what he’s telling you is that enlisted’s defensive style is like a f**king deathmatch and tries to push the attacker back to their spawn point rather than a actual positional battle.

Defenders are just like attackers but with unlimited tickets.

Kind of a stupid way to defend an objective. Anyone manages to flank and get through your advanced front and oh no now there’s someone on objective and no one there to stop them because the bots are all gone

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Pretty much.

You lose your ground in the buffer zone in front of the objective, you can still fight right on the cap itself.
You lose your ground in the cap itself, the timer runs down.

The game is, unironically a game of who can attrit the other side occupying the objective faster.

Too many defenders doing whatever outside the objective, it’s easy as hell to capture with no one to defend.
Too many defenders only sticking to the objective, and once they get cleared out, the timer runs down.

Defenders should be aggressive due to their unlimited tickets, but not aggressive to the point they can’t react to the objective being capped due to a flank.

  1. Depends on what system you are on.

  2. You can change your button layout as you choose.

For example, I’m on Xbox, so realistically i’d set it to “x” while the construction wheel was open.

This is, in fact, wrong.

Think about it. you aren’t able to build rallies within 50m of the objective. That is the zone that is intended to be the primary fighting zone.

Otherwise they would let you build spawns even closer!

They can establish rallies but your fortifications are specifically there to hinder their effectiveness of bringing through full squads unscathed, and to slow them down before they can access the objective.

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Technically, the limitation is ~30m from the edge of the capture zone. This is why on maps like Le Bre, or Hermann Goering Strasse, you can plant rallies barely 35 meters from the center objective.

Only if you can’t overpower the enemies in front of you to push them as far back as their rally.

You’re also making an assumption that the enemy would play nicely along, and not, say, just go around planting AP mines on your team’s rallies before neatly clearing out the objective with a random automatic weapon, flamethrower or explosive of their choice.

Fortifications don’t mean shit if there’s no one to man them. Much less reinforce them.

Sweeping rallies is as obvious as it gets for the reasons stated in my previous posts.

Putting pressure on the attacking team prevents them from establishing a spawn point to flood the objective with, and makes it more difficult to flank the objective.

So you DID think about it. I’d imagine quick press L2 would do the trick. Although there’s enough contextual stuff that doesn’t work as is. Don’t need to spend 5 minutes trying to get a sandbag “just right” to where it’s both what I want AND green, and then get domed 2 minutes in and never being able to build anything. Think an integrated radial would be best

But also, if there’s no fortifications, everyone there gets demolished with explosive spam.

Point being, defenses are needed for actually defensive gameplay, otherwise its just offensive tactics vs offensive tactics. Which ACCORDING TO YOU, is always in favor of defenders.

So how about making defensive tactics more viable and pushing and incentivizing players to play with defensive tactics?
Example: Give notable bonus points to defensive players fighting from within the objective, eliminating enemies before they can contest the objective?
At that point, you would see players actually trying to hold attackers out of the objective, without having to push against them in an offensive manner.

Therefore making the game far more interesting in the scheme of offense and defense.

Of course, I always do, lol. Believe it or not, I do have some experience in game dev (NOT FOR THIS GAME), so I always try to think of my suggestions in the context of actual implementation.

Definitely. As I put in my post (that I linked earlier) there are several fortifications that could use some alternative options and adaptive forms.

All of which should be easily accessible through the radial engineer menu.

Unlimited ticket funni

Still. That’s tempered by the need to babysit the objective lest some random lost soul who came from who knows where starts running the timer down when it’s empty.

Not really. Fortifications are entirely optional. Especially against teams that don’t have the requisite skill to reach the objective in the first place.

Objective attack/defense assists: Am I a joke to you

Standard rifle/MG round was more than capable to go through wooden board.

Yes, yes they are a joke

Yeah he’s saying shoot through them

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Yes they are a joke.

They only apply to kills that occur with the target on the objective. So currently, its more incentive to let them get to the point and THEN kill them. So either by playing as good attackers, or by really bad defenders.

What I suggest instead is that it be more incentivized and profitable for keeping attackers off the objective entirely, while defenders do so from within the objective.

Hence where fortifying the objective to where defenders operate from within and attackers from outside, would be optimal.

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First and foremost priority should be bodies on objective. Secondary is preventing the enemy from advancing. Obviously don’t gaggle together where one nade or one arty strike will eliminate everyone, but the objective must be kept warm

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Bodies that are alive, hence the fortifications, yes.

Which when done from the objective should give more incentive for killing soldiers BEFORE they get into the objective, rather than just when they get ON it.

  • Perhaps adding a point multiplier according to the amount of control you have on the objective.
    So the more control you have of it, the more points you get from kills. This would encourage players to try to keep enemies off the objective ENTIRELY.

Ideally, fortification efforts should be able to stop this from being the case. If sandbag walls actually held adequately.


Concurred entirely

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Sorry, just making absolutely sure.


Understandable my guy. Hard to get points across sometimes