One interesting thing I would like to see in the future is more variety in the buildable machine guns. In the coming merge, I assume buildable AT guns are going to change with the selected map (bigger AT in Berlin, smaller in Moscow). This could also be applied to buildable machine guns, and probably to AA guns as well.
For example:
Medium Machine Guns
Early BR Germany
Early BR germans could have access to the MG08 as their buildable light machine gun instead of the MG34.
Late BR soviets could get access to the SG-43, a 1943 medium machine gun designed to replace the maxim medium machine gun.
The purpose of these changes would be to increase the variety of buildable weapons for machine guns to mirror those of the AT guns. This would make the different BR levels feel more distinct imo.
Tier one engineers should be able to build MG nests (like the ones that the tier 2 engineers get) and the tier two engineers should build water cooled MGs (so a slower overheat) and with more cover.
I have suggested before to make buildable machine gun nests separate from movable heavy machien guns used by players. If machine gunners can carry them like carrying mortars maybe they can be in the new research tree.
And add more different types of machine guns on the map.
I get what you are saying, and I don’t disagree, but I’d also like to note that I would like to see Engineer 1s get the standard MG nest setup that currently exists, and the Engineer 2s get a MG nest with a sandbag window on the front to give more protection.
they need to have some decent crewed weapons that have to be assembled or “created” on the field.
the biggest difficulty in having anything “dragged” or “towed” is getting it to behave and not clip into things and bounce around wildly on all but the flattest, neatest terrain.
I agree. It would be nice to see some unique weapons that can be built in pre-determined locations. You just go up and dump engineer resources in and spend a minute building. It would give more reason to bring an engineer squad with like 4+ engineers at least.