Buildable Infantry Shields for Snipers

Infantry Shields

Can be implemented into mods, but i think it would be cool in regular maches too:

Reduces the field of view,

but also reduces visibility of the sniper, harder to hit:

  • It could be built by engineers of Sniper squads, 3 of them. Or by the snipers themselves…

you can make a placable one like in bf1 too. :slight_smile:

( based on the medic crate box properties )

Yes but that would require custom profile to add to every sniper unfortunetly.

i mean, they could give those in the slot mine as a placable.

instead if giving it to engies to build.


That would probably mean an event exclusive item tho.


they could add it in the heavy tier weapons.

just like the shinto or the anti tank mine for the japanese.

where you have to unlock it first.
( at least, talking about the merge )

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I agree with this.

It looks too much like a future addition to the game.

ah yes the ww1 shield dont know if they were use in ww2 tho

First of all - don’t think they were ever used in WW2.
Second - so the cosole camprers and other camping enthusiasts with leg paralisys would camp even more with their sniper squads instead def or attack? - hell naw

Tho I think this must be said - we need more sanbag variants.

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for what I read wasn’t very common, but soviets did even with wood ones so… all is possible

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I actually REALLY like that suggestion.

It gives another option to that slot of equal value.

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They did, and similar other implements as well, especially for MGs.

This would be a great idea to bring up for @EdVanSchleck and others for their opinion.

Id put that down then swap to MG gunner lol


In BF1 those shields were a bullet magnet. Average lifespan of a sniper behind one was 10s at best.

I like the fact that different squads can build their own stuff
( AT-Guns for AT-squad; HMG for MG-squad etc.)

now that you will only be able to bring 2 squads of the same class I think they should focus more on making each squad class unique and give them special buildables.


If i am not mistaken, engineers can build exactly the same AT gun as engineers. Which si pretty lame.
They should have better option, similar how MG squad has HMG.


u made a great work

Sounds great.