"Build more rallies"

Okay, here’s the issue. Sometimes it’s not lack of rally points. You’re confusing cause with effect. Sometimes the team you’re facing has such an easy time that searching for rallies is something they can do. Sometimes the players looking for them are very good at finding them. Even if someone builds a rally it will be found, and probably mined which results in not only losing a rally but an entire squad, to boot.

Stop pretending that simply building rallies wins games, and that just because you don’t see rallies doesn’t mean they aren’t being built. The problem is sometimes just the skill gap. Players who memorize all the good places to put rallies will sometimes just sneak through and destroy/mine them with such efficiency that it’s literally a waste of time to build them and the time would be better spent coordinating an assault from the spawn zones.

TLDR; sometimes rallies get destroyed faster than they’re built. In those cases it’s a waste of time to build them.


If good players have to waste time running 200 m because the bad players in the team didnt build rallies which is obv visible by their 0 engineer score than …the fucking need to build rallies.

enemies pushing you back in the greyzone only works if your team doesnt have rallies on the flanks.
the core principle of enlisted is that an average team with 10 rallies up is basically undefeatable, no matter how hard the enemies sweat if they have only a few rallies.


If, IF. Also, you focus on the “bad” players. What about the good ones? Why aren’t they building rallies? For that matter, what if the other team is all “good” players and the team of “bad” players are simply demoralized average players?

When are you responsible for building rallies?

Also, if rather than rushing the point one squad at a time; if the “good” players coordinated and rushed the point, they’d all be there at the same time and could even rely on artillery cover.

Rallies are not the absolute answer to everything. They’re a hammer, but not everything is a nail.

Oh, and you personally have won against much better teams because everyone built rallies?

Or maybe you’re just the best player and any time you lose it’s because someone else didn’t build rallies.

While we’re on the subject; if it was normal for there to be ten rallies per team. The meta would shift to hunting rallies and they’d be even more vulnerable.

I mean, you are both right
Sometimes one team is so weak and the other team is so strong that rallies aren’t going to work

But that’s often because you have like 6 or more people who simply don’t build rallies - and worse even, they just refuse to push up

Sometimes you aren’t going to win no matter what, but if your team tries to flank and keep up map control by building enough rallies in useful, varied positions, most of the time you will do better, even against a stronger team

I sure did win games against better teams by relentlessly removing any rally and APC and making sure the better enemy players physically can’t be there to defend the point

Of course “just build rallies” is not some magic lifehack that will give you 100% winrate. There are some conditionals. But most of the time making sure your team has at least a few is better than not having any

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Considering that nowadays every player is able to have two active rallies because of APCs - there isn’t really much reason to complain anymore.

People often over-emphasize the importance of rallies, but it’s not without a reason. While they are not the end-all-be-all guarantees of success in a match, they sure do fuckin help. It’s important to make sure other players (especially new ones) are aware that these things make a difference in the game and that doing one of the most boring things in the game (building a rally) can be a very significant contribution to your team.

The more rallies are built, the lesser the impact of a rally getting destroyed by the enemy. If your team has 4 rallies, and 2 of them get destroyed, you still have the other 2 to fall back on. If your team has one rally, then your team gets pushed back 100-200 metres when it’s gone.

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Also, if your team has only 1 rally, it’s painfully obvious to the enemy where all the reinforcements are coming in from, so you are running straight into deployed MGs and people in cover ready to shred you from everywhere.
Have 2 or 3 rally points surrounding the cap zone and suddenly it’s the defenders who are the sitting ducks who can be shot from basically anywhere

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In 9 out 10 matches in Germany brv i am the only engineer. Then they have the nerve to yell for ammo and oh so happy not to walk miles due to my spawn. The main reason to desert.

Then what are you suggesting not building rallies?! You’re not really making a point but rather just complaining. You’re not helping and not providing a solution. Rallies STILL need to be built. The problem is, as others have suggested, more players need to be educated in 1. Building rallies 2. Building rallies in reliable spots and 3. Rushing the point, planting the bomb, etc. Rally building is and still will be an essential part of the game.

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There’s only one time when it’s not a good idea to build rallies - and that’s if a team is roflstomping another one. I mean, even then, if I’ve built them (b/c sometimes the first point or two goes down quickly and then defense may stiffen up) and it’s only after the fact that I’m like, “Well, THAT was a waste of time…”

But how often does that really happen? Which means far more often than not, there’s never a good time NOT to build rallies. There’s really no such thing as “too many rally points”.

Even when people complain about those on your own side “not rushing the front” - putting rallies as close as possible to the front turns you into the person directing the flow of battle. It’s actually a rather powerful position to be in.

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If the game is balanced, building point rallies is essential.

But you forget that most games are unbalanced. In these games, even if you build rallies, nobody uses them.

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That usually means it’s not a good rally.

it would be good if we have some message
like “a rally has been destroyed” even if it is not yours.

so everyone knows the need of rallies.
also “rally is being build” by your team.

so you can stay in the cap point where you spawned defending.