[Bug Report] Various Bugs in the Editor/Game

Navmesh Generation

Navmesh generation only works with poly battle areas OR Box battle areas that intersect the ground.

This also causes the soldiers to spawn below the asset on the ground:

Instead where they should:

Removing the generated navmesh file from the scene folder fixes this problem (also the box battle area shouldn’t touch the ground but i’m not very sure on this one) , so…no navmesh for floating/high(er) altitude maps i guess.

Grass generation on terrain patches

This is very inconsistent, but most of the time above a certain altitude it refuses to work:

But moving the camera around often fixes this error:

Problem is; You can’t move the camera around in-game: It would be nice if grass “generation” worked all the time.


GIF explains the problem:

Enlisted 2022.12.02 -

At higher Y values the gun (and many rendinsts too) will shake.
This does not happen when aiming.