Bug Report / Kar98k - Schiessbecher wrong BR

Unless I missed the Patchnotes on this…

Kar98k - Schiessbecher is rated as BR2 in the Techtree but since (today/yesterday!?) it moved up to BR3…

Not a bug, the BR’s changed yesterday: Br adjustments 2 - Google Drive

oh… checked the patchnotes but missed that one… o7

there was a small br adjustment update yesteday and multiple granade launcher guns were moved up because of the spam.

its tier 2 br 3in the tech tree, tier isnt related to its br, just its unlocking points

But now it’s working right? Because there’s a 50/50 chance that your grenade just do some pyro shows for free in front of the enemy.

Yeah your right but it had BR2@MM before that change.
Was just confused because my squads got +1 “overnight”.

Thx for the Info!

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