[Bug Report]custom games with mod can't start any more. just loopping count down again and again

custom games with mod can’t start any more. just loopping count down again and again.


happens with normal custom matches as well :frowning: ( at least, when you are alone )


ive also noticed customs are no as populated as they were right after introduction … after exploiting fiasco and xp nerfs that followed along with dumb AI, me and my friends forgot customs exists

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This happens very frequent after mods introduced.
No matter custom match or mods match.

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i can start normal custom lobbys alright.

mods on the other hand don’t start. didn’t open a lobby the last 3 days so something happened between then… i hope it’s not, that they try preventing us from open lobbys with more then 10v10 & 25v25 lonefighters…

Is it just me or modded missions are broken again?

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Broken for a while. Now it fixed, I think

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Broken again. I had no problem yesterday (but still only able to use North America server for custom maps). Today I cannot start ANY custom map on any server. I’m particularly miffed cos I’ve literally JUST completed my update to my France Urban map after hours of work every night for about a week.
And when will the devs fix the inability to host custom maps on any server - not just N.America - ? It would be nice to play without high ping.