Bug or bad design?

I’m an infantry guy, tanks max. But I’ve been getting into and testing planes recently and I noticed something.

Planes that carry a gunner in the back are totally useless, the game doesn’t let you shoot in a huge area that takes up the tail of the plane.

Now, I know the hitboxes are poorly designed, but the sbd-3’s tail hitbox is 3 times the size of the tail.

This means that when a plane passes you by and positions itself on your tail, you can’t do anything because the game prohibits you from shooting within a huge margin.

Bad design

Some aircraft vertical stabilizer doesn’t disable your ability to shoot the rear gun turret.

The vertical stabilizer collision model is not the same shape as the 3D shape that you see. The collision model being bigger than the 3D model result in the dead zone being bigger than is should be. You can shoot through some fuselage as the collision model for the vertical stabilizer is shorter and wider than the 3D model.

The rear gun audio is not related to the rear gun camera perspective. If you shoot and look right the rear MG audio go to the left audio channel and vice versa. The rear MG audio loop is very choppy, when you hold down the fire button and pan the camera either to the left or right you start to hear the audio loop stutter.

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So this should be reported. Where can I do it?


notice twin guns. inner circle represents where guns hit. so neither bug nor bad design… unless you want to destroy your tail…

some of those that enable you to shoot vertical stabilizer are just bad hitboxes.