Bug fixes before event ends?

Can’t believe bugs since Christmas still not fixed, tailgunners, helmets, stretchy people, among others reported still no QoL update, no axis para change, surely since merge devs would have noticed the lack of choice of certain BRs? Are DF focusing on Steam release, I think so…

I found a brand new spawn bug on Bulge and Airfield, I keep playing hoping they all get fixed but then find more…

Rant off


well it is chinese new year, so they also need to have time off for that holiday :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fixed with next update, it also includes a bunch of other good fixes:)


Bipo… nevermind.


hold my beer


what kind of beer did you give them to hold?

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1 ZScUv9d8zp1KluOG3AyYuw

but i can tell you that it was so important that he dropped the gun and stretched his arm for couple of hundred meters :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it will fix like 5 bugs but 10 more new bugs will appear in few updates later.
We all know this story. So frustrating.

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They sure fixed small window climbing

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someday. maybe…