Buffing and incentivizing engineering!

I’m just glad to see the first of the reinforcements are starting to appear. I just hope more start speaking up.

I do what I can, and enjoy having good teammates at my side.

I think that on top of the suggestions that @ModGage brought up, adding in a rolling greyzone* (rather than the fast change greyzones we currently have), and letting defenders know of their future objectives will help a lot of the issue of lack of time.

By combining ideas like these, the gameplay will hopefully get a lot more interesting, pushing players towards a mix of strategy and teamwork, on top of the hard pushes we see currently.
IF by some miracle the fortifications work far more effectively than what we hope, then increasing the amount of tickets that players have on offense would then be understandable.

However, as of right now, at least on console, defenders generally get their teeth kicked in by offense. Many games ending with 700+ tickets still available.
In many of the games that have far less than that, it is often the case that a handful of players were just farming easy kills off the defenders.

As @ModGage can attest to, there are not many games where both offense and defense seem evenly matched, BUT those are the most fun games by far. These games are often this intense because someone is actually dedicated to trying to fortify objectives. Though attackers still generally prevail, due to fortifications being so easy to break. Which is where his suggestions of

could make an excellent difference to the game.

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